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Checkit CMD a resounding success

Alex Schlch

Relaying the full investment story to analysts and investors and is key for any company to gain a fair rating and to build trust with current and potential shareholders . This is even more imperative when the company has changed significantly like Checkit this Autumn post the sale of Bulgin.

Taking advantage of a brief window in December before results season kicks in, Keith Daley the Chair, plus five senior managers took the time to show the packed room what the new proposition entails. Demonstrations of the actual kit and software in operation then talking over how the new entity is pulling together was a salient moment for the company to show its redirection and potential for growth to the attentive audience.

The value is clear for a company of taking the time to talk directly to its stakeholders. Questions can be asked directly of the leadership team. Answers are given straight from the source undiluted and with time to nuance and debate. It is also shown that it is not only the investment case that is analysed but the people. The new heads of departments were able to give their overviews and also be seen by a wider audience. The transparency this gives is welcomed by all. If you buy into a story a huge element is the people who actually run the business which can be lost if the only contact or reference point is in print.

Checkit has transformed enormously in 2019. The next results cycle through 2020 will show the effects of the planned integration and uplift from the acquisition of Next Control Systems in May this year. The opportunities in retail, health and leisure in particular will drive the new Checkit story based on strong and growing recurring sales in all sectors that the company sells into.

Well done to management for facilitating this direct contact and allowing a clear insight into the next phase of the new Checkit.

The presentations used are available here

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